Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Health Experts Shared Some Tips For Using Lymphedema Compression Garments

Efficient management of lymphedema is very crucial to a patient’s long-term health. Although the condition is not curable, it is very significant to find safe as well as sustainable ways to minimize the swelling and keep fluid from building up. If you are dealing with this condition, you need to invest in doctor-approved efforts to manage the swelling properly. Because without proper management, you may end up suffering from more serious consequences like loss or reduction of the sense of touch, malignant tumor growth, mobility problems, and severe skin infections.

Health experts often recommend the use of lymphedema compression garments to efficiently manage this condition. These garments come in separate pieces patients can choose from – it can be in the form of stockings, tights, gloves, sleeves, and other varieties. Physicians recommend the use of these garments to fight the early signs and symptoms of lymphedema or when the condition becomes progressive. It is often included as a crucial part of the treatment plan which may include recommended exercises, a particular skincare regimen, and manual lymphatic drainage.

Benefits Of Using Compression Garments

Compression Stockings
Compression garments will deliver the right amount of pressure to the affected limbs or areas to limit the buildup of fluid. It directs the fluid form the body to the limb’s root like the groin or armpits to promote effective drainage. It will provide support for sagged skin. Also, it will soften tissues which have become fibrous because of the condition. When used during exercise, it will multiply the benefits you get to enjoy from the workouts.

Getting The Most Out Of Wearing Lymphedema

To make sure that you get the most of these garments, you need to consider several important things. First, you must order pieces that are made based on your medical needs and body size. The garment must not slide off even with intense movement. Second, always follow the orders your physician has provided when it comes to when and for how long you must keep wearing every garment. You also need to follow the wash and care instructions the manufacturer has provided as this will make sure that such garments will have a long life. Third, purchasing garments will entail precision. It is very crucial for you to order from a supplier offering effective customer support and 100% products and services guarantee to make sure that you only receive products which are aligned with your requirements and needs.

Apart from that, choose to work with companies having the right accreditation. And if you are based in Maryland, be sure that the company you work with is accredited by the Maryland Board of Pharmacy and American Board of Certification both in Prosthetics and Orthotics.

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